The recent progress of the EFDA-JET facility in advanced tokamak (AT) scenario research is reviewed, emphasizing the relevance for the advanced mode of ITER operation. In particular, the key role played by the current density profile from the low-performance prelude phase, to trigger an internal transport barrier (ITB), to the high-performance steady state, to maintain the regime, is illustrated by the recent results obtained on JET with reversed magnetic shear targets. The mitigated ELMy edge behaviour, as well as the neoclassical nature of the particle transport in highly non-inductive ITB discharges, is also reported and discussed. Finally, the first demonstrations of real-time profile control of ITB discharges open the way towards high-performance steady-state AT discharges, provided that current density and pressure profiles are controlled.
R. Waltz,et al.
A gyro-Landau-fluid transport model
T. Tala,et al.
Observation of zero current density in the core of jet discharges with lower hybrid heating and current drive.
Physical review letters.
K. H. Burrell,et al.
Flow shear induced fluctuation suppression in finite aspect ratio shaped tokamak plasma
Patrick J. McCarthy,et al.
Stationary advanced scenarios with internal transport barrier on ASDEX Upgrade
Laurent Villard,et al.
Stability of Alfvén eigenmodes in optimized tokamaks