Lossy trapdoor functions (LTDFs) were introduced by Peikert and Waters (STOC 2008) and have a number of applications in cryptography. All-but-many lossy trapdoor functions (ABM-LTDFs) are generalizations of LTDFs studied by Hofheinz (Eurocrypt 2012). Specially, using ABM-LTDFs to construct public key encryption (PKE) scheme with selective opening security has been proven feasible. Existing ABM-LTDFs were built on pairings, lattices and decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption. However, pairing-based ABM-LTDFs and DCR-based ABM-LTDFs rely on non-standard assumptions. In this paper, we construct an ABM-LTDF under the decisional RSA subgroup (DRSA) assumption, and we employ it to construct PKE scheme with selective opening security. We also propose a construction of DCR-based ABM-LTDF relying on standard assumption in Appendix.