Summary Sixty ASA grade I & II adult patients of either sex were randomly assigned into two groups. Group I (n=30) for I-gel and Group P (n=30) for LMA – ProSeal. We assessed the airway sealing pressure, ease of insertion, success rate of insertion, ease of gastric tube placement, airway trauma by post operative blood staining of the device, tongue, lip and dental trauma, hoarseness, regurgitation / aspiration and cost effectiveness. Although the airway sealing pressure was higher with Group P (29.6 cm H2O) than with Group I (25.27 cm H20) (p < 0.05), but the airway sealing pressure of Group I was very well within the normal limit to prevent aspiration. The ease of insertion was more with Group I (29/30) than with Group P (25/30) (p < 0.05). The success rate of first attempt of insertion and ease of gastric tube placement was more with Group I (p > 0.05). Blood staining of the device & tongue, lip and dental trauma was more with Group P (p >0.05). There was no evidence of bronchospasm, laryngospasm, regurgitation, aspiration or hoarseness in either group. To conclude I-gel is a novel supraglottic device with an acceptable airway sealing pressure (25.27 cm H2O). It is easier to insert, requires less attempts of insertion, has easier gastric tube placement and is less traumatic as compared to LMA-ProSeal.
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Initial anatomic investigations of the I‐gel airway: a novel supraglottic airway without inflatable cuff *
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Comparison of the LMA-ProSeal and LMA-Classic in children.
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A Multicenter Study Comparing the ProSealTM and ClassicTM Laryngeal Mask Airway in Anesthetized, Nonparalyzed Patients
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A comparison of four methods for assessing oropharyngeal leak pressure with the laryngeal mask airway (LMA™) in paediatric patients
Paediatric anaesthesia.
J. Brimacombe,et al.
The ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway: A Randomized, Crossover Study with the Standard Laryngeal Mask Airway in Paralyzed, Anesthetized Patients
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The LMA 'ProSeal'--a laryngeal mask with an oesophageal vent.
British journal of anaesthesia.
C. Keller,et al.
Comparison of four methods for assessing airway sealing pressure with the laryngeal mask airway in adult patients.
British journal of anaesthesia.