Online User Modeling for Interactive Streaming Image Classification

Regarding of the explosive growth of personal images, this paper proposes an online user modeling method for the categorization of the streaming images. In the proposed framework, user interaction is brought in after an automatic classification by the learned classifier, and several strategies have been used for online user modeling. Firstly, to cover diverse personalized taxonomy, we describe images from multiple views. Secondly, to train the classifier gradually, we use an incremental variant of the nearest class mean classifier and update the class means incrementally. Finally, to learn diverse interests of different users, we propose an online learning strategy to learn weights of different feature views. Using the proposed method, user can categorize streaming images flexibly and freely without any pre-labeled images or pre-trained classifiers. And with the classification going on, the efficiency will keep increasing which could ease user’s interaction burden significantly. The experimental results and a user study demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach.

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