Cultura do eucalipto na região de Suzanápolis, estado de São Paulo: análise econômica

The main objective of the present work is to determine the technical and economic indicators for the eucalyptus Eucalyptus spp culture in Suzanápolis region of western Sao Paulo state. In order to evaluate the economic feasibility of the investment, a cash flow has been constructed to show entry and exit values of resources and products. The economic data are favorable. The pay back value demonstrates that on the 8th year the capital invested in this production was recovered, PNV was positive and IRR (14.4%) was above the cost of capital (6%). The results obtained evidence the importance of this study for planning, organizing and defining this activity. The profitability of the enterprise depends on the purpose of the production, which varies according to age of considering the age of tree cutting and the price obtained by cubic meter. Key-words: eucalyptus, costs, investment analysis, Brazil. Recebido em 29/01/2008. Liberado para publicação em 12/02/2008.