Studies on the Plasmic Substances found in the Oral and Related Tissues (Part 1)

Research dealing with the phenomenon offibrinolysis has a fairly old history at its back and as far back as in 1890's GREEN and DASTRE [ 1 ] published their findings on plasmin as involved in the fibrinolytic mechanism. Later in 1937, the fact of fibrinolysis at the time of hemostasis attendant on a surgical operation was reported by MACFARLANE [ 2 ] . In the oral area, studies on plasmic substances that are found in human saliva have received much interest, some of the published results being ALBRECHTSEN [ 3 ] , TAYLOR [ 4 ], NAGAI et al. of the Department of Physiology , Nihon University School of Dentistry [ 5 ] . But as yet there is still lacking any formal effort at the existence of plasmic substances in the tissues related to the oral area. In the present paper, the author is concerned with the measurement of plasmin, activator and proactivator in the normal soft tissues adjacent to the oral cavity.