Magnetic Motor Stimulation: Basic Principles and Clinical Experience

Section I. Basic Biological Investigations on CNS Mechanisms. 1.1 General. Matching focal and non-focal magnetic coil stimulation to properties of human nervous system. Physiological studies of electric and magnetic stimulation of the human brain. Topographic maps of humjan motor cortex in normal and pathological conditions: mirror movements, amputations and spinal cord injuries. Mapping of the motor cortex gyral sites noninvasively by transcranial magnetic stimulation in normal subjects and patients. Studies of sensory and motor cortex physiology: with observations on akinesia in Parkinson's Disease. Selective activation of the epileptic focus by transcranial magnetic stimulation. The firing probability of single motor units following transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy subjects and patients with neurological disease. Magnetic coil stimulation of human visual cortex: studies of perception. Magnetic stimuli applied over motor and visual cortex: influence of coil position and field polarity on motor response, and eye movements. 1.2 Pathways. Cerebellar evoked potentials and motor evoked potentials in the spinal cord of the rat. Corticospinal potentials after electrical and magnetic stimulation in man. CNS activation patterns underlying motor evoked potentials as demonstrated by C-FOS immunoreactivity. 1.3 Safety. The safety of transcranial magnetic stimulation reconsidered: evidence regarding cognitive and other cerebral effects. Repetitive high magnetic field stimulation: the effect upon rat brain. 1.4. Facilitation. Magnetic stimulation of the human motor cortex: ipsilateral and contraleteral facilitation effects. Motor evoked potentials facilitated by an additional peripheral nerve stimulation. Influence of peripheral nerve stimulation on the responses in small hand muscles to transcranial magnetic cortex stimulation. Section II. Principles of Magnetic Stimulation. Magnetic nerve stimulation: the effect of waveform on efficiency, determination of neural membrane time constants and the measurement of stimulator output. Optimizing magnetic stimulator design. Magnetic stimulation: technical aspects. Guidelines for energy-efficient coils: coils designed for magnetic stimulation of the heart. The electric field induced during magnetic stimulation. Theoretical and practical performance of magnetic stimulators and coils. Section III. Spinal Cord Evaluation. The electrophysiological assessment of the pyramidal and non-pyramidal tracts of the spinal cord of rats. Assessment of functional recovery after spinal cord injury in rats by reticulospinal-mediated motor evoked responses. Reinforcement of motor evoked potentials in patients with spinal cord injury. Section IV. Peripheral Nerve and Roots. Magnetic stimulation of corticonuclear systems and of cranial nerves in man: physiological basis and clinical application. Mechanisms of peripheral nervous system stimulation using the magnetic coil.