KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA MADRASAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU MADRASAH(Studi Kasus tentang Manajemen Kepala Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri BendosariSukoharjo)

The study aims to: (1) To determine how the implementation of leadership in carrying out its functions to improve the quality of madrasah. (2) To determine how the leadership role of madrasah to face obstacles in performing their duties. (3) To know how the quality and performance can be achieved of madrasah. This study was conducted MTsN Bendosari Sukoharjo, MTsN Bendosari Sukoharjo has achieved a lot of things in terms of both academic and non academic. MTsN Bendosari is located in Sukoharjo district. The research is a descriptive qualitative research it is a research that explains something based on the available data. This research provides data, does analysis and interpretation. The informant of the research were the Principle, the committee, the teachers. The data was collected by interviews, observation and documentation. To test validity of the data or to check the accuracy of the data, some way were used that re prolonging the length of the research’s duration, conducting a continuous observation, doing triangulation, both triangulation of source of the data and the technique of collecting data. The analysis was conducted in three steps. They are : data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results conclude that: (1) The principal MTsN Bendosari in role of leadership has carried out its role and function as an educator, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor, Leader, Innovator and Motivator (2) the constraints faced head MTsN Bendosari is still a teacher lack of understanding of the control of the use of instructional media, technological developments and the lack of infrastructure that supports the learning process (3) in the achievement of quality and performance, madrasah make are packed with a variety of programs and activities are fostering intra and extra curricular activities. Keywords: Leadership, Principals, Quality of Madrasah