A developmental study of Piaget's groupement model of the emergence of speed and time concepts.

3 key predictions of Piaget's groupement model of middle-childhood cognition were examined in the speed and time concept areas: (a) The respective composition and reverse operations of 2 of the 8 structures posited in the groupement model (Groupement I and Groupement V) should emerge synchronously in each of the 2 concept areas. (b) The 2 structures themselves should emerge synchronously in each of the 2 concept areas. (c) Between the 2 concept areas, the 2 structures should both emerge in the speed area before either emerges in the time area. The findings failed to support either prediction a or prediction b, and they were only partially consistent with prediction c. However, the findings concerning predictions a and b were consistent with other recent developmental evidence on the emergence of groupement structures in concept areas other than speed and time.