Design of a Dual-Band Wireless LAN SiGe-Bipolar Power Amplifier

SummaryThe design of an integrated dual-band multi-modewireless LAN radio frequency power amplifier (InfineonPMB 8825) for the 2.45 GHz and 5.25 GHz supportingIEEE 802.11a/b/g is demonstrated. It has been realized ina 42 GHz f T , 0.35 µm SiGe-Bipolar high-volume technolo-gy using on-chip low inductance ground connections forthe reduction of emitter degradation and matching pur-poses. The chip features a power control block for all nec-essary controls and two single-ended 3-stage poweramplifier with on-chip inductors and a short on-chipstripline for the interstage matching. It is a demonstra-tion for a cost-efficient multi-mode WLAN PA solution, asit is a single-die solution using a minimum of externalelements.References1. T. Ruhlike, M. Zannoth, and B.-U. Klepser, “A highlyintegrated, dualband, multi-mode Wireless LANTransceiver,” in Proceedings of the 29th European Solid-state Circuit Conference , Estoril, Portugal, September2003.2. K. Vavelidis, et al., “A Single-Chip, 5.15GHz-5.35GHz, 2.4GHz-2.5GHz, 0.18µm CMOS RF Transceiverfor 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN,” in