Sentinel-3: Mission status and performance after one year in orbit
The Copernicus Programme, being Europe's Earth Observation and Monitoring Programme led by the European Union, aims to provide, on a sustainable basis, reliable and timely services related to environmental and security issues. The Copernicus Programme uses multiple source data and comprises a service component, a space infrastructure component and an in-situ component. The objective of the Copernicus Space Component (CSC) Programme is to fulfil the space-based observation requirements in response to European policy priorities with a particular emphasis on the Copernicus core services as identified by the Commission. It aims at developing a fully operational capability in view of feeding Copernicus services with satellite data. The CSC Programme also aims at the operational provision of satellite data for other European and national services. The main data source for the CSC Programme are the Sentinels, dedicated missions providing continuity to past or present data sets. In addition, the CSC Programme covers the development and operations of a Data Access Layer, the Coordinated Data System (CDS), aiming at providing Copernicus Services with satellite data from other than Sentinel missions (ESA, National, EUMETSAT and other Third Party Missions) of relevance to the overall space component of Copernicus.