The starburst ring around the Seyfert nucleus in NGC 7469
High-resolution radio continuum, optical emission line, and optical continuum images of the luminous Seyfert plus circumnuclear starburst hybrid galaxy NGC 7469 are presented. The radio emission from the starburst is largely confined to a ring of diameter 3 arcsec, or 1.0 kpc. There is clear evidence for optical continuum emission and probably optical line emission from the ring. The disks of NGC 1068 and NGC 7469 exhibit a strong similarity in almost all observed properties. Current star formation models can account for the luminous far-infrared emission and the strength of the nonthermal radio emission in NGC 7469, with an expected supernova rate of about one per year. The starburst ring is probably a result of concentration of gas into a ring via resonances between orbital motion and a rotating barlike or ovally distorted potential.