피에조 펌프 구동용 에너지 회수형 하이브리드 구동장치 고성능 운전에 관한 연구
Piezoelectric pump can be considered as R-C load and it needs something special driver because the output voltage does not become 0 even though the applied voltage is 0 with common converter. This operating system consists of fly-back converter to increase the input voltage and energy recovery inverter to apply square voltage to the piezoelectric pump. The energy recovery inverter can charge and discharge the energy of capacitive load. In this paper, to enhance performance of the driver, a few elements or circuits are added and modified. To drive the inverter safely, current limit resister is added and adjusted the value to valance the charging and discharging current. In addition, a current limit inductor is added to the input side to limit the input current and enhance the efficiency. Inductor only may make oscillation and another resister is added parallel to the inductor to solve this problem. The converter and inveter are assembled to one board for compactness. The appropriateness is proved with simulation and experiments.