The steady-state handling properties of a rigid vehicle with a tandem rear axle configuration are developed. This work uses conventions resulting in a parsimonious characterisation of steady-state handling of such three-axle vehicles that is shown to be a simple extension of the well-known two-axle bicycle model. Specifically the concepts of understeer and wheelbase are developed for a three-axle vehicle, and shown to play the same role in characterising vehicle handling as they do in the well-known two-axle vehicle model. An equivalent wheelbase of a three-axle vehicle is expressed in terms of vehicle geometry and cornering stiffness of each axle. The model developed in this work is reconciled with previous models that make use of simplifying assumptions found in the literature.
Paul S. Fancher.
The Static Stability of Articulated Commercial Vehicles
Christopher B. Winkler.
Simplified Analysis of the Steady-State Turning of Complex Vehicles
Hans B. Pacejka,et al.
Tire and Vehicle Dynamics
Christopher B. Winkler,et al.
On the Directional Response Characteristics of Heavy Trucks
T D Gillespie,et al.
Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
J. R. Ellis.
The Steering Characteristics of Multiple Axle Bogie Systems
Jo Yung Wong,et al.
Theory of ground vehicles