The Effects of Physical Processes on the Hadley Circulation.

Abstract The Hadley cell is involved in the energy, momentum and moisture budgets in the atmosphere; it may be expected to change as sources and sinks of these quantities are altered due to climate perturbations. The nature of the Hadley cell change is complicated since alterations in one budget generally result in alterations in the others. Thus, Hadley cell sensitivity needs to be explored in an interactive system. In the GISS GCM (model I), a number of experiments are performed in which physical processes in each of the three budgets are omitted, the system adjusts, and the resultant circulation is compared to that of the control run. This procedure highlights which effects are most important and reveals the nature of the various interactions. The results emphasize the wide variety of processes that appear capable of influencing the mean circulation. The intensity of the circulation is related to the coherence of the thermal forcing, and to the thermal opacity of the atmosphere. When all frictional for...