Inicialmente tres caes (6 olhos) foram submetidos a injecoes intracamerais de uma solucao fisiologica saturada com microparticulas de grafite buscando-se a obtencao do glaucoma experimental. Ao final de 8 semanas constatou-se, de forma homogenea, glaucomas absolutos em todos os olhos. Na sequencia produziu-se, segundo este modelo, glaucoma em outros 9 caes (18 olhos), cada animal sendo submetido a dois tipos de cirurgia filtrantetrabeculectomia e iridencleise- e a dois tratamentos transoperatorios antifibroticos Mitomicina C e acido acetil salicilico. As unidades experimentais assim constituidas foram estudadas clinicamente e histopatologicamente, com evidencias aos 3, 6 e 12 meses de pos-operatorio. O procedimento cirurgico mais eficaz, independente do tratamento antifibrotico associado, foi a iridencleise, evidenciado por uma bolha de filtracao patente um ano apos a intervencao. O acido acetil salicilico mostrou resultados antifibroticos superiores a Mitomicina C e ao contrario desta ultima, sem apresentar efeitos colaterais como globos hipotonicos. E licito propor este novo modelo experimental de glaucoma para outras especies por ser simples, barato, alem de atuar como um "marcador" histologico do "caminho" do aquoso. Alem disto podera ser novamente empregado no cao visando testar outras tecnicas de cirurgia filtrante e outros protocolos farmacologicos do glaucoma mas para sobretudo consolidar os estudos do uso do Acido Acetil Salicilico como agente antifibrotico no olho. Abstract Experimental glaucoma was produced in all the eyes of three dogs by means of intracameral injections of physiological solution saturated with graphite microparticles. Homogeneous absolute glaucomas were then obtained by means of this technique. They were evidenced eight weeks after the intracameral injections. Following this experimental model, glaucomas were obtained in other 9 dogs. Each animal was subjected to two types of surgery, that is, filtration trabeculectomy and iridencleisis and by two antifibrotic topical treatments during the surgery with Mitomicin C and acetylsalicylic acid. Clinical and histopathologic evaluation of the experimental units were performed with emphasis in the third, sixth and twelve months after surgery. Iridencleise showed to be the most efficient surgical procedure in spite of being associated to the antifibrotic treatment. Acetylsalicylic acid displayed better antifibrotic activity than Mytomicin C showing no collateral effects as the formation of hypotonic globes for instance. This new glaucoma model may also be used for other animal species. Besides being simple and inexpensive it acts as a graphite histologic “marker” of the aqueous humor “path”. Moreover, it allows to be used in the dog in pharmacological tests as well as in other protocols of glaucoma filtration surgery, specially in studies regarding the use of acetylsalicylic acid as eye antifibrotic agent.