Wide-aperture powerful high-pressure CO2 laser with optical pumping

The dependence of the specific energy of the high-pressure CO2 laser (4.1 and 11.1 atm) with the optical pumping on the resonator losses coefficient and density of the absorbed energy of radiation of the HF laser on transition P1(8) is studied. The maximal values of the specific (200 J/l) and the total (7 J) radiation energy of the high-pressure CO2 laser (11.1 atm) are obtained with coefficient of transformation of the pumping radiation energy ((lambda) equals2.78 micrometers ) to energy of the CO2 laser radiation ((lambda) equals10.6 micrometers ) being equal to approximately 19% (quantum yield approximately 73%), and with parameter of excess of the unsaturated gain (g0equals0.1 l/cm) above the lasing threshold (gt) m equals g0/gt approximately equals 4.