Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures and Derivations

Contributors Introduction Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations Part I: Atoms 1. Feature geometry and underspecification, Douglas Pulleyblank 2. The elements of phonological representation, John Harris and Geoff Lindsey 3. Radical CV Phonology: the categorical gesture, Harry van der Hulst Part II: Structures 4. Accounting for compensatory lengthening in the CV and moraic frameworks, Lee S. Bickmore 5. The role of moraic structure in the distribution of segments within syllables, Draga Zec 6. Skeleta and suprasegmental structure within Government Phonology, Wiebke Brockhaus 7. Skeleta and the prosodic circumscription of morphological domains, Francis Katamba Part III: Derivations 8. Universalism in phonology: atoms, structures and derivations, Jacques Durand 9. Derivations and interfaces, Jonathan Kaye 10. Declarative lexical phonology, John Coleman References Index