Catch characteristic and present condition of by-catch & discard of trammel nets fishery in the East Sea

For an effective management of fisheries resources, we need fisheries informations necessary for theestablishment of reasonable fishing effort and TAC distribution. To study the present state of by-catch anddiscard of gill-net fishery in the East Sea, we carried out fishing research using trammel nets in the coastalsea of Susan-port (Yangyang), Jangho-port (Samcheok) and Hupo-port (Uljin). As a result, a total of catchof Susan was 259,172g and that of Hopo was 577,638g. Thus Catch of Susan was 1.49 times more than thatof Hupo considering the number of used fishing gear. And catch of Janho was 7.4 times more than that ofSusan considering the number of experiment. Two methods of by-catch analysis in this study were used, onemethod is standardizing of listed species catching possible in fishing license, another method is regardingcatch species under 1% of total catch as by-catch. As a result of by-catch analysis of two method, by-catchrate of Susan was 6.55% and 5.87% respectively, that of Hupo was 44.70% and 5.24% and that of Janghowas 0.96% and 2.31%. Discard rate of fish in Susan, Hupo and Jangho were 1.59%, 3.42%, 2.23%respectively.Keywords: Fishing capacity, Trammel nets, By-catch, Discard