It is clear that xt* is the projection of xt on the closed linear manifold Mt-, generated by the components of xt-, Xt-2, .... Paralleling the one-dimensional context, we call xt purely deterministic if x: = xt* and xt purely nondeterministic if the projection of on the infinite past IIMt is the null vector. It is of especial interest to be able to obtain a characterization of the class of purely nondeterministic processes in terms of the spectrum of the process. A partial result in this direction has been given by N. Wiener.' This result characterizes the class of purely nondeterministic processes with nonsingular prediction error (1). First, consider predicting xt by a linear expression in x, ..., xt-m, i.e.,
H. Helson,et al.
Prediction theory and Fourier Series in several variables
N. Wiener,et al.
The prediction theory of multivariate stochastic processes
I. I. Privalov.
Randeigenschaften analytischer Funktionen
Harald Cramer,et al.
On the Theory of Stationary Random Processes
G. Szegő,et al.
Über die Entwickelung einer analytischen Funktion nach den Polynomen eines Orthogonalsystems
G. Szegő.
Beiträge zur Theorie der Toeplitzschen Formen