Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Genital Area

In the first centuryad, amputation of the glans penis was a method for correcting the chordee of severe hypospadias. This and other observations are recorded in two introductory chapters, one on "History of External Genital Surgery" and the other on "Pictorial History of Hypospadias Repair Technics," both of which I found to be fascinating reading. Because of the current interest in and awareness of the potentials of genital reconstruction, a single comprehensive reference would be quite valuable. This book goes a long way to approaching, but not quite achieving, that goal. Much about the volume is excellent. Despite multiple authors, repetition is minimal. The art work, by different artists, is generally excellent with clear and understandable drawings. Hypospadias is the subject most extensively covered with ample techniques for most clinical situations. Despite the book's length (697 pages), however, certain deficiencies are apparent. Two very useful one-stage operations that have