Localization of concurrency bugs using shared memory access pairs

We propose an effective approach to automatically localize buggy shared memory accesses that trigger concurrency bugs. Compared to existing approaches, our approach has two advantages. First, as long as enough successful runs of a concurrent program are collected, our approach can localize buggy shared memory accesses even with only one single failed run captured, as opposed to the requirement of capturing multiple failed runs in existing approaches. This is a significant advantage because it is more difficult to capture the elusive failed runs than the successful runs in practice. Second, our approach exhibits more precise bug localization results because it also captures buggy shared memory accesses in those failed runs that terminate prematurely, which are often neglected in existing approaches. Based on this proposed approach, we also implement a prototype, named LOCON. Evaluation results on 16 common concurrency bugs show that all buggy shared memory accesses that trigger these bugs can be precisely localized by LOCON with only one failed run captured.

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