Chaos et physique quantique = Chaos and quantum physics

Preface. General introduction (N.L. Balazs). 1. Recent developments in classical mechanics (I.C. Percival). 2. Random matrix theories and chaotic dynamics (O. Bohigas). 3. The semi-classical quantization of chaotic Hamiltonian systems (M.C. Gutzwiller). 4. Some quantum-to-classical asymptotics (M. Berry). 5. Hyperbolic geometry in two dimensions and trace formulas (Y. Colin de Verdiere). 6. Quantum and classical properties of some billiards on the hyperbolic plane (C. Schmit). 7. The classical and quantum theory of chaotic scattering (U. Smilansky). 8. Time-dependent quantum systems (B.V. Chirikov). 9. Wavepacket dynamics and quantum chaology (E.J. Heller). 10. Chaos in atomic and molecular physics (D. Delande). 11. Random matrix theory applied to electrons in small metal particles (B. Muhlschlegel). Seminars: 1. Quantised maps (N.L. Balazs). 2. Quantum localization and fluctuations (G. Casati). 3. Statistical properties of quantum chaos (F.M. Izrailev). 4. Quantum localization of dynamical chaos (D.L. Shepelyansky).