Design of highly efficient elliptic curve crypto-processor with two multiplications over GF(2163)

Abstract In this article, a parallel hardware processor is presented to compute elliptic curve scalar multiplication in polynomial basis representation. The processor is applicable to the operations of scalar multiplication by using a modular arithmetic logic unit (MALU). The MALU consists of two multiplications, one addition, and one squaring. The two multiplications and the addition or squaring can be computed in parallel. The whole computations of scalar multiplication over GF(2163) can be performed in 3 064 cycles. The simulation results based on Xilinx Virtex2 XC2V6000 FPGAs show that the proposed design can compute random GF(2163) elliptic curve scalar multiplication operations in 31.17 μs, and the resource occupies 3 994 registers and 15 527 LUTs, which indicates that the crypto-processor is suitable for high-performance application.

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