Status of Library Automation in Engineering Educational Institutions in Karnataka: A Survey
This study intends to carryout a survey of engineering college libraries that have computerized their operations and services. Thus this paper will provide an implicit view of experiences undergone by the engineering college librarians in computerizing their library operations. It also observed that 13.73 percent of libraries are not automated reasons could be varied from library to library they were lack of computer facility, financial problems, lack of trained man power and library collection is very less. The present study is limited to the automated libraries of engineering college libraries in Karnataka. It gives a status view of the software packages used by different libraries. Opinion of the librarians about the performance of the software's different modules they have used. In India library automation began in the late 1970s in a few special libraries and has now reached most of the university libraries. It has yet to take off in college libraries in Karnataka owing to various problems. Many studies on library automation have been undertaken in the West, but few have been undertaken in India. This paper tries to identify the status of library automation in engineering college libraries of Karnataka state.