Diffuse Peritonitis Associated With Ventral Hernia In An Adult Doe: Case Report

A case of diffuse fibrino-purulent peritonitis associated with ventral abdominal hernia is reported in an adult non-descript doe. The affected animal was noticed to have developed a swelling on the left ventro- lateral aspect of the abdomen a day after parturition and inappentance two weeks later. Clinical examination revealed dyspnea, dullness and shivering. The rectal temperature was 37.2 o C and respiratory rate 42 breathes per minute. There was a swelling on left ventral abdomen with a palpable ring at its base. Ultrasonography confirmed the presence of intestinal loops in the swelling and hematology revealed severe leukocytosis, lymphopenia and decreased hematocrit. Initial medical management was undertaken for five days before herniorrhaphy. Celiotomy revealed one liter of straw-colored peritoneal fluid, extensive intra-abdominal adhesions and diffuse fibrin formation with multiple pockets of pus. Despite aggressive efforts to manage this condition, the animal died four hours after surgery. Autopsy revealed purulent exudates in the subcutis and abdominal muscles peripheral to the corrected ventral hernia.