The Timoshenko Beam on an Elastic Foundation and Subject to a Moving Step Load, Part 2: Transient Response

The transient response of a simply supported semi-infinite Timoshenko beam on an elastic foundation to a moving step load is determined. The response is found from summing the solutions to two mutually complementary sets of governing equations. The first solution is a particular solution to the forced equations of motion. The second solution is a solution to a set of homogeneous equations of motion and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions so formulated as to satisfy the initial and boundary conditions of the actual problem when the two solutions are summed. As a particular solution, the steady-state solution is used which is the motion that would appear stationary to an observer traveling with the load. Steady-state solutions were developed in Part 1 of this article for all load speeds greater than zero. The solution to the homogeneous equations of motion is developed here in Part 2. It is shown that the latter solution can be obtained by numerical integration using the method of characteristics. Particular attention is given to the cases when the load travels at the critical speeds consisting of the minimum phase velocity ofpropagating harmonic waves and the sonic speeds. It is shown that the solution to the homogeneous equations combines with the steady-state solution in such a manner that the beam displacements are continuous and bounded for all finite times at all load speeds including the critical speeds. Numerical results are presented for the critical load speed cases.