A participatory action research process with a rural Indigenous men's group: monitoring and reinforcing change

Since 2001 a team of academic researchers and medical practitioners have been collaborating with Yarrabah Men's Health Group leaders implementing a PAR process designed to support the men in their own words 'take their rightful place' in contemporary Australian society. The formative stages of the PAR process including the development of a strategy plan and an accompanying Dos and Don'ts checklist for the men to monitor their own progress over time have been documented in a previous paper (Tsey, Paterson, Whiteside, Bird and Bird, 2002). Other follow-up papers described the step by step PAR process over the first twelve months, highlighting key challenges and opportunities involved in order to provide much needed direction for others interested in undertaking similar community action-oriented research. (Tsey, Paterson, Whiteside, Bird and Bird, 2003; 2004). The present paper addresses another important gap in the PAR and related community development literature, namely, the need to develop innovative evaluation methodologies that enables participants in the PAR process to monitor and reinforce the changes that they have been making as a result of participating in the PAR process. Participation in men's group activities resulted in modest but significant behaviour change among the men. Traditionally 'gendered' approaches to housework constitute major sources of conflict in the family. Creative opportunities need to be available for men to dialogue and reflect on their domestic and gender responsibilities in non-judgemental ways. The study highlights the value of demystifying and making research more relevant to people's day to day living experiences.