The Influence of Entrepreneurship Learning Experience, Self Efficacy, Media Social and Family Environment on Interest in Becoming a Young Entrepreneur in Students of the Economics Education Study Program at Nusantara University PGRI Kediri

The problem of unemployment that cannot be completely resolved is a separate burden for the government. Many things have been done by the government to reduce unemployment in Indonesia, for example with training, but the need to instill an entrepreneurial attitude since school is also an important factor. By instilling an attitude of wanting to become young entrepreneurs it is hoped that after they finish their education they will be able to open their own business and not just expect jobs from other people. Someone who has an interest in entrepreneurship usually tends to look for other factors that can support it, these factors include family, friends, experience, economic conditions, employment conditions, and available resources. The results of this study 1) experience of learning entrepreneurship has a significant positive effect on interest in becoming a young entrepreneur 2) self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on interest in becoming a young entrepreneur 3) social media has a significant positive effect on interest in becoming a young entrepreneur 4) family environment has a significant effect has a positive effect on the interest in becoming a young entrepreneur 5) simultaneously the experience of learning entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, social media and the family environment has a significant effect on the interest in becoming a young entrepreneur.