A high specific power solar array for low to mid-power spacecraft

UltraFlex is the generic term for a solar array system which delivers on-orbit power in the 400 to 6,000 watt per wing sizes with end-of-life specific power performance ranging to 150 watts-per-kilogram. Such performance is accomplished with off-the-shelf solar cells and state-of the-art materials and processes. Much of the recent work in photovoltaics is centered on advanced solar cell development. Successful as such work has been, no integrated solar array system has emerged which meets NASA's stated goals of 'increasing the end-of-life performance of space solar cells and arrays while minimizing their mass and cost.' This issue is addressed; namely, is there an array design that satisfies the usual requirements for space-rated hardware and that is inherently reliable, inexpensive, easily manufactured and simple, which can be used with both advanced cells currently in development and with inexpensive silicon cells? The answer is yes. The UltraFlex array described incorporates use of a blanket substrate which is thermally compatible with silicon and other materials typical of advanced multi-junction devices. The blanket materials are intrinsically insensitive to atomic oxygen degradation, are space rated, and are compatible with standard cell bonding processes. The deployment mechanism is simple and reliable and the structure is inherently stiff (high natural frequency). Mechanical vibration modes are also readily damped. The basic design is presented as well as supporting analysis and development tests.