Visualization and characterization of high resolution 3D images of paper samples

X-ray micro-(computed) tomography (X-{Mu}CT) combined with image analysis allows visualization and characterisation of the 3D structure of porous materials such as paper and board. This study applied high resolution (res. - 1{Mu}m) phase contrast synchrotron radiation. 3D images of three distinctly different paper grades were obtained to test the applicability of the technique. The applied high resolution phase contrast mode allows 3D imaging of the detailed paper structure in both dry and soaked conditions. The paper samples were visualized and characterized by a variety of image analysis routines. The visualization and characterization confirm that the technique does have a resolution sufficient for preservation of the topology and thus obtaining reasonable measures of 3D characteristics. The measurements rank the paper grades correctly for all measured properties and reveal detailed information of the 3D structure and transport properties.