An homogeneous model for adiabatic capillary tubes

Abstract This paper presents a homogeneous two-phase flow model, CAPIL, which is designed to study the performance of adiabatic capillary tubes in small vapour compression refrigeration systems, in particular household refrigerators and freezers. The model is based on the fundamental equations of conservation of mass, energy and momentum that are solved simultaneously through iterative procedure and Simpson's rule. The model uses empirical correlations for single-phase and two-phase friction factors and also accounts for the entrance effects. The model uses the REFPROP data base where the Carnahan-Starling-DeSantis equation of state is used to calculate the refrigerant properties. The model includes the effect of various design parameters, namely the tube diameter, tube relative roughness, tube length, level of subcooling and the refrigerant flow rate. The model is validated with earlier models over a range of operating conditions and is found to agree reasonably well with the available experimental data for HFC-134a.