Candidate Acquisition of Downhole Water Sink Potential (CadWasp) -Initial Development of an Expert System for Identifying Candidates for Enhanced Recovery Technologies

This paper overviews research efforts, to date, toward an expert system and well candidate selection program model, named Candidate Acquisition of Downhole Water Sink Potential or CadWasp. The final program will identify bypassed oil reserves that are accessible through re-entering inactive and orphaned wells with Downhole Water Sink (DWS) installations and prioritize these reserves according to their success potential. DWS uses two completions, one for the water column and one for the oil column to control water coning. The use of DWS technology is the primary target for this system, but the system is built to enable other types of well stimulations/enhancements to be able to target candidates as well. CadWasp has been designed to identify “most likely to succeed” candidates, not all candidates by searching a massive