Abstract Many communications and broadcast media have emerged by the rapid development of wireless communication and broadcasting technologies, so the radio resources are insufficient for these services. DMB can use the regional integrated channel due to the SFN broadcasting network, so DMB uses the frequency efficiently. However, the domestic DMB uses the existing analog TV frequency band and uses a plurality of channels in some areas because of the interference with the analog TV. However, the broadcasting of the analog TV was terminated, so the channel reallocation of the terrestial DMB is necessary for the efficient use of frequencies. This paper proposes the channel reallocation method of the terrestial DMB and analyzes the change of transmission and reception environments by using simulations. Key Words : Terrestial DMB, Channel reallocation, SFN, Interference analysis * 준회원, 충북대학교 전파통신공학과 ** 정회원, 충북대학교 전파통신공학과, 교신저자접수일자 2013년 11월 28일, 수정완료 2013년 12월 11일게재확정일자 2013년 12월 13일Received: 28 November, 2013 / Revised: 11 December, 2013 Accepted: 13 December, 2013
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