The carbon versus mass diagram to visualize and exploit FTICR-MS data of natural organic matter.

A two-dimensional diagram is proposed, in which the carbon number of each formula is plotted against its nominal mass, to visualize large sets of molecular formula data that can be derived from data generated by ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance-MS. In such a carbon versus mass (CvM) diagram, each formula (C(c)H(h)O(o)) is unambiguously described by c, its (nominal) mass and the parameter i = c + o. Calculations of chemically allowable formulas illustrate that organic molecules occupy only certain spaces in such a diagram. The extension of these spaces increases with molecular mass in x-direction (hydrogenation) and y-direction (oxygenation). The data sets of molecules determined in natural organic matter(NOM) occupy only a certain range of the allowable space. The intensity of the mass spectrometric signals can be included as the third dimension into a CvM diagram. Separate CvM diagrams can be plotted for NOM molecules that include different heteroatoms. The benefits of the CvM diagram are illustrated by application onto data sets of fulvic acids from riverine and marine origin, of secondary organic aerosol, including organosulfates and organonitrates, as well as of ozonation of fulvic acids. The CvM diagram is a useful tool to visualize the elemental regularities in NOM isolates as well as the differences between isolates. It may also be applicable to large sets of molecular formula data generated in other disciplines such as petroleum biogeochemistry or metabolomics.

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