Cottonwood Triangular Points from Northern San Diego County, California

For the Cottonwood Triangular point forms at Ystaqua, the Ipai site approximately 64 km. south of the research area, the proposed sequence postulates that the straight base form, together with the predominant broad and shallow forms, occur earlier than the deep base variant (Carrico and Taylor 1983:103). If these broad and shallow forms can be said to equate to the broad base form as described herein, this sequence appears to be at odds with the findings for Frey Creek and the adjacent mountain region in northern San Diego County as represented at Silver Crest. For lack of comparable data, at this time it is not possible to extend these conclusions from the present research to other sites within the immediate area; however, it is expected that further comparative analyses can test these proposals. It is also hoped that the definition of attributes presented here will aid in these analyses by providing objective criteria.