Description and ultrastructure of Leishmania zuckermani n. sp. amastigotes detected within the erythrocytes of the South African gecko Pachydactylus turneri Gray, 1864.
In erythrocytes recovered from blood of geckoes of the species Pachydactylus turneri collected in Gauteng Province, Republic of South Africa, leishmania zuckemani n. sp. were detected. Giemsa stained erythrocytes contained amastigotes, either single or numerous, in loose assemblies or in a compact rounded oggregates which may condense to become a round basophilic bodies with a central hollow. This new species of Leishmania differs from all previously described species in being almost exclusively parasitic in circulating erythrocytes. Three to seven amastigotes lodged all within one, or divided between several parasitophorous vacuoles were detected at the EM level. The amastigotes demonstrated essentially all the cytological components characteristic of leishmania species known to parasitize mammals. A point which emphasizes an already suggested close affiliation between mammalian and lizard Leishmania.