As-Built-Simulation based on TFP Manufacturing Data

The Feedback Method is developed to close the gap in the development chain which still exists between design, manufacturing and certification of TFP structures. Tailored Fibre Placement (TFP) is a textile process for optimized fibre reinforced structures with fibre alignments of almost any de-sired orientation. The TFP process provides an improved load-bearing capacity, but also affects the local material properties. Thus, appropriate material models of the TFP composites are of critical importance for a successful application. For this purpose, the so-called Feedback Method gener-ates as-built finite element models by considering manufactured fibre lay-ups, fibre orientations as well as special fibre features like curved fibres or roving kinks. The development chain of a composite structure typically starts with the design process: Based on the optimization results, an FPM (Fibre Placement Manager) or CAD geometry model is developed, where manufacturing constraints in terms of feasibility and economic efficiency are considered. According to this manual step from as-design to as-built, a certification of the real, “as-built” struc-ture is needed. Hence, the purpose of the Feedback Method is an automatic transformation from FPM/CAD models to suitable high-fidelity “as-built” FE models. In addition to the automatic data transformation from as-design to as-build, a multi-scale analysis is performed, where local fibre particularities (e.g. curved fibres) are considered at mesoscopic level and effective global material properties are automatically computed. According to this developed feedback method also other manufacturing data, e.g. lay-up, spring-in angles or residual stresses, are integrated within the future development chain of fibre reinforced composite structures. Thus, a less conservative design concept is developed by accounting for different types of constraints as well as deterministic and probabilistic manufacturing uncertainties within the early design phase of a concurrent engineering process.