하․폐수처리시스템 온실가스 저감활동에 대한 CDM 사업 적용에 관한 연구
【In general, wastewater treatment systems consume high-energy consumption depending on operation characteristics of the facilities. Therefore, greenhouse gas(GHG) reduction activities that are application of digestion gas, induction of renewable energy etc. are conducted to reduce energy consumption and to increase energy independence ratio. In this study, GHG reduction in wastewater treatment system identified, searched application of Clean Development mechanism(CDM) approved methodology. If the methodologies apply to GHG reduction activities such as application of digestion gas, heat pump system using the wastewater as heat source, hydropower using the methodology determined CDM applicability, otherwise through several assumptions calculated expectable GHG reduction emissions and determined CDM applicability. As a result, the order of calculated GHG reduction emission showed that collected and energy generation of digestion gas is 66,775 $tCO_2$ /yr, gas engine cogeneration system is 8,182 $tCO_2$ /yr, heat pump system using the wastewater as a heat source is 72,715 $tCO_2$ /yr, and hydropower is 561 $tCO_2$ /yr. Consequently, the order of calculated Certified Emission Reductions(CERs) benefit showed that heat pump system using the wastewater, as a heat source is 1,381 million won/yr was estimated as the highest, followed by a collected and energy generation of digestion gas is 1,268 million won/yr.】