Microbial interaction with animal cell surface carbohydrates.

Microbes have selected primarily carbohydrates for attachment to host animal cells. Recent studies have revealed essential characteristics in the recognition of receptor carbohydrates. Of importance is the property of recognizing also sequences placed inside an oligosaccharide chain, which differs from most animal antibodies. This is the basis for series of isoreceptors with the minimum receptor sequence in common but with separate neighbouring groups. There are families of microbial ligands that show different preferences for members within one series of isoreceptors, indicating only slight differences in the complementary binding sites of the proteins. Such differences may explain shifts in the selectivity of separate host tissues for infection. A second characteristic is the low affinity interaction often found where simple receptor-containing saccharides are unable to inhibit attachment. Technical possibilities are rapidly developing for the design of synthetic receptor analogues to be used in the therapy of clinical infections. This is urgently needed in cases where no rational therapy exists today.