Pre- and post-stimulus alpha activity shows differential modulation with spatial attention during the processing of pain

Extensive work using magneto- and electroencephalography (M/EEG) suggests that cortical alpha activity represents a top-down controlled gating mechanism employed by processes like attention across different modalities. However, it is not yet clear to what extent this presumed gating function of alpha activity also applies to the processing of pain. In the current study, a spatial attention paradigm was employed requiring subjects to attend to painful laser stimuli on one hand while ignoring stimuli on the other hand. Simultaneously, brain activity was recorded with MEG. In order to disentangle pre- and post-stimulus effects of attention, alpha activity was analyzed during time windows in anticipation of and in response to painful laser stimulation. Painful laser stimuli led to a suppression of alpha activity over both ipsi- and contralateral primary somatosensory areas irrespective if they were attended or ignored. Spatial attention was associated with a lateralization of anticipatory pre-stimulus alpha activity. Alpha activity was lower over primary somatosensory areas when the contralateral hand was attended compared to when the ipsilateral hand was attended, in line with the notion that oscillatory alpha activity regulates the flow of incoming information by engaging and/or disengaging early sensory areas. On the contrary, post-stimulus alpha activity, for stimuli on either hand, was consistently decreased with attention over contralateral areas. Most likely, this finding reflects an increased cortical activation and enhanced alerting if a painful stimulus is attended. The present results show that spatial attention results in a modulation of both pre- and post-stimulus alpha activity associated with pain. This flexible regulation of alpha activity matches findings from other modalities. We conclude that the assumed functional role of alpha activity as a top-down controlled gating mechanism includes pain processing and most likely represents a unified mechanism used throughout the brain.

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