Confi guração da Atenção Básica e do Programa Saúde da Família em grandes municípios do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Organization of traditional Primary Health Care and the Family Health Program in large cities in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

Abstract This article analyzes the organization of tra-ditional Primary Health Care and the Family Health Program (FHP) in the 22 municipalities of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, with more than 100,000 inhabitants each in 2005. The meth-odology included visits to the municipalities, interviews with health managers, and analysis of national databases. Four summary variables were defined: the Primary Health Care model and inclusion of the FHP; institutionalization of the FHP; organization of traditional primary care; and organization of the FHP. Classifica-tion of the municipalities according to the four variables showed widely diverse situations and the predominance of a parallel model for inclu-sion of the FHP. The municipalities with the best structural conditions for primary care are locat-ed in the interior of the State, besides those that have had the FHP implemented for more than six years and that practice various modalities of Primary Health Care organization. The majority of the municipalities with the worst situation in relation to the FHP are located in Greater Metro-politan Rio de Janeiro. In light of the results, the article discusses the challenges facing the FHP as a strategy for structuring primary health care in large cities, particularly in metropolitan areas.Primary Health Care; Family Health Program; Single Health System