Potential margarine oils from genetically modified soybeans

Genetically modified soybeans were processed into finished, refined, bleached, and deodorized oils. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Glyceride structure was characterized according to degree of unsaturation by high-performance liquid chromatography, lipase hydrolysis, and gas-liquid chromatography. Compared to common varieties with 15% saturated acids, genetically modified soybeans yielded oils containing 24–40% saturated acids. Several varieties were examined, including the Pioneer A-90, Hartz HS-1, and Iowa State A-6 lines. Pioneer A-90 contained 17% stearic acid, had a solid fat index (SFI) of 6.0 at 10°C (50°F) and zero from 21.1 to 40°C (70 to 104°F), and therefore lacked sufficient solids for tub-type margarine. To improve its plastic range, the Pioneer oil was blended with palm oil, randomized palm oil, or interesterified palm/soy trisaturate basestock. After blending with 10–40% of these components, the high-stearic acid oil had an SFI profile suitable for soft tube margarine. The A-6 varieties, 32–38% saturates, showed SFI profiles with sufficient solids at 10°C (50°F) and 21.1°C (70°F) to qualify as a stick-type margarine oil, but lacked sufficient solids at 33.3°C (92°F); however, after small amounts (2–3%) of cottonseed or soybean hardstocks were added, the A-6 oils qualified as stick margarine oil. The HS-1 variety, when blended with small amounts (2–3%) of hardstock, possessed sufficient solids at 10°–33.3°C (50–92°F) to prepare soft tub margarine oil.