The Design of an Augmented Reality Based Rigid Body Motion Experiment System

The authors have designed an augmented reality based rigid body motion experiment system (ARRBMES), which could capture the physical motion information from the interaction between the users and virtual rigid bodies in real-time. The launcher and the container of the rigid bodies in this system are all positioned by tag cards, and the initial physical quantities of the rigid bodies are captured and analyzed through the motion information of the launcher tag card. Then ARRBMES will realize the real-time display of rigid body motion and collision events in a virtual-real fusion environment. ARRBMES can simulate the motion of rigid bodies in ideal state which cannot be achieved in the real world. As a result, the users can obtain realistic experience and the system can increase their physical intuition and cognitive experience. Moreover, ARRBMES can obtain physical information from the interaction in real-time between users and the system, which makes it a special Cyber-Physical System.