A Learner-Centered Navigation Planning with Web-based Learning Resources

Web-based learning resources provide learners with hyperspace where they can navigate in a selfdirected way to learn the contents included in the Web pages. The navigation involves making a sequence of the pages visited, which is called navigation path. However, learners often fail in making the navigation path due to a cognitive overload, which is caused by diverse cognitive efforts at comprehending the contents in Web pages, and monitoring the navigation process such as planning and reflection of navigation path. In the self-directed learning, in particular, it is difficult for learners to maintain the navigation monitoring. Focusing on navigation planning, this paper addresses the issue of how to facilitate learners’ navigation monitoring to promote their learning in hyperspace provided by Web-based learning resources. Our approach to this issue is to provide learners with a space, in which they can see through the learning resources to plan a navigation path, apart from hyperspace. In this paper, we also demonstrate an assistant system for the navigation planning, which is composed of hyperspace map, page previewer, and path previewer. These facilities give learners an overview of Web pages and navigation path to help them make a navigation path plan without visiting Web pages in hyperspace. This paper also describes a case study with the assistant system. The results indicate that the system facilitates navigation particularly in a more complicated hyperspace.