Strategies for Clean Air and Health

An international colloquium, “Strategies for Clean Air and Health,” was organized by the Network of Environmental Risk Assessment and Management (NERAM) and the AIRNET European Network on Air Pollution and Health to identify directions for air quality policy development and research priorities to improve public health. A conference statement was prepared to provide guidance from the perspective of an international group of scientists, regulators, industries, and interest groups on a path forward to improve the interface between science and clean air policy strategies to protect public health. The statement represents the main findings of two breakout group discussion sessions, supported by perspectives of keynote speakers from North America and Europe on science–policy integration and views of the delegates expressed in plenary discussions. NERAM undertook a carefully considered process to try to ensure that the statement would accurately reflect the conference discussions, including documentation of supporting comments from the proceedings and inviting delegates' comments on two draft versions of the statement.

[1]  A. Lindskog Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants , 2008 .

[2]  E. Pauw,et al.  Impact of Iron and Steel Industry and Waste Incinerators on Human Exposure to Dioxins, PCBs, and Heavy Metals: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study in Belgium , 2007, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[3]  M. Jerrett,et al.  Sources of Uncertainty in Calculating Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Air Pollution , 2007, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[4]  Giorgio Cattani,et al.  Two-Years of Fine and Ultrafine Particles Measurements in Rome, Italy , 2007, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[5]  P. Borm,et al.  Lung Permeability, Antioxidant Status, and NO2 Inhalation: A Selenium Supplementation Study in Rats , 2007, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[6]  A. Peters,et al.  Air Pollution and Inflammatory Response in Myocardial Infarction Survivors: Gene–Environment Interactions in a High-Risk Group , 2007, Inhalation toxicology.

[7]  H. Walton,et al.  The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland , 2007 .

[8]  J. Samet,et al.  Air Pollution and Health: A Combined European and North American Approach (APHENA) , 2006 .

[9]  Anthony R. Olsen,et al.  Environmental Protection Agency, US , 2006 .

[10]  J. Lawson Comparative Quantification of Health Risks. Global and Regional Burden of Disease Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors , 2006 .

[11]  A. Sevanian,et al.  Influence of vitamin E and nitrogen dioxide on lipid peroxidation in rat lung and liver microsomes , 1982, Lipids.

[12]  Pasi Aalto,et al.  Aerosol Particle Number Concentration Measurements in Five European Cities Using TSI-3022 Condensation Particle Counter over a Three-Year Period during Health Effects of Air Pollution on Susceptible Subpopulations , 2005, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[13]  Richard T Burnett,et al.  A New Longitudinal Design for Identifying Subgroups of The Population who are Susceptible to the Short-term Effects of Ambient Air Pollution , 2005, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[14]  Michelle L. Bell,et al.  A Meta-Analysis of Time-Series Studies of Ozone and Mortality With Comparison to the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study , 2005, Epidemiology.

[15]  Pavlos S. Kanaroglou,et al.  Establishing an air pollution monitoring network for intra-urban population exposure assessment: A location-allocation approach , 2005 .

[16]  Emmanuel Massé Analyse économique de la rentabilité des filtres à particules sur les véhicules diesels neufs , 2005 .

[17]  J. Startin,et al.  Dioxins and Dioxinlike PCBs in Food , 2005 .

[18]  R. Gilpin,et al.  Production, Distribution, and Fate of Polychlorinated Dibenzo‐p‐Dioxins, Dibenzofurans, and Related Organohalogens in the Environment , 2005 .

[19]  V. Prasongwatana,et al.  The effects of vitamin A nutritional status on glutathione levels and microsomal lipid peroxidation in rat lung , 1985, Experientia.

[20]  Peter H. McMurry,et al.  Particulate Matter Science for Policy Makers , 2005 .

[21]  F. Dominici,et al.  Ozone and short-term mortality in 95 US urban communities, 1987-2000. , 2004, JAMA.

[22]  Division on Earth Air Quality Management in the United States , 2004 .

[23]  K. Berhane,et al.  The effect of air pollution on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age. , 2004, The New England journal of medicine.

[24]  Sara Janhäll,et al.  Size resolved traffic emission factors of submicrometer particles , 2004 .

[25]  Michael Jerrett,et al.  Traffic air pollution and mortality rate advancement periods. , 2004, American journal of epidemiology.

[26]  Matthias Ketzel,et al.  Modelling the fate of ultrafine particles from exhaust pipe to rural background: an analysis of time scales for dilution, coagulation and deposition , 2004 .

[27]  R. Atkinson Acute effects of air pollution on admissions: reanalysis of APHEA 2. , 2004, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[28]  Andrey Khlystov,et al.  Ambient aerosol size distributions and number concentrations measured during the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study (PAQS) , 2004 .

[29]  S. Hrudey,et al.  Report of an Expert Panel to Review the Socio-Economic Models and Related Components Supporting the Development of Canada-Wide Standards (CWS) for Particulate Matter (PM) and Ozone To the Royal Society of Canada , 2004, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part B, Critical reviews.

[30]  R. Sram,et al.  Cytogenetic analysis using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to evaluate occupational exposure to carcinogens. , 2004, Toxicology letters.

[31]  Cheol-Heon Jeong,et al.  Characteristics of nucleation and growth events of ultrafine particles measured in Rochester, NY. , 2004, Environmental science & technology.

[32]  B. Oftedal,et al.  Urban air pollution and mortality in a cohort of Norwegian men. , 2004, Environmental health perspectives.

[33]  R. Burnett,et al.  Gaseous air pollutants and asthma hospitalization of children with low household income in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. , 2004, American journal of epidemiology.

[34]  J. Mindell,et al.  Predicted health impacts of urban air quality management , 2004, Journal of epidemiology and community health.

[35]  K. Torén,et al.  Prevalence of asthma and exhaled nitric oxide are increased in bleachery workers exposed to ozone , 2004, European Respiratory Journal.

[36]  R. Burnett,et al.  Do socioeconomic characteristics modify the short term association between air pollution and mortality? Evidence from a zonal time series in Hamilton, Canada , 2003, Journal of epidemiology and community health.

[37]  R. Burnett,et al.  Cardiovascular Mortality and Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution: Epidemiological Evidence of General Pathophysiological Pathways of Disease , 2003, Circulation.

[38]  B. Oftedal,et al.  Traffic related air pollution and acute hospital admission for respiratory diseases in Drammen, Norway 1995–2000 , 2002, European Journal of Epidemiology.

[39]  Gabriel Gulis,et al.  Life expectancy as an indicator of environmental health , 2000, European Journal of Epidemiology.

[40]  G. Pershagen,et al.  Ambient air pollution exposure and cancer , 1997, Cancer Causes & Control.

[41]  A. Dastoor,et al.  Global circulation of atmospheric mercury: a modelling study , 2004 .

[42]  R. Sram,et al.  Cytogenetic analysis and occupational health in the Czech Republic. , 2004, Mutation research.

[43]  B. Forsberg,et al.  Clara cell protein as a biomarker for ozone-induced lung injury in humans , 2003, European Respiratory Journal.

[44]  H. Ribeiro,et al.  Air pollution and children's health in São Paulo (1986-1998). , 2003, Social science & medicine.

[45]  Daniel Krewski,et al.  Comparison of time series and case-crossover analyses of air pollution and hospital admission data. , 2003, International journal of epidemiology.

[46]  J. Banegas,et al.  Short-term effects of air pollution on daily asthma emergency room admissions , 2003, European Respiratory Journal.

[47]  R. Burnett,et al.  A time-series study of air pollution, socioeconomic status, and mortality in Vancouver, Canada , 2003, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

[48]  A. Cebulska-Wasilewska,et al.  Molecular epidemiology studies of carcinogenic environmental pollutants. Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in environmental pollution on exogenous and oxidative DNA damage. , 2003, Mutation research.

[49]  T. Holford,et al.  Association of low-level ozone and fine particles with respiratory symptoms in children with asthma. , 2003, JAMA.

[50]  D. Krewski,et al.  Bioaccumulation and locomotor effects of manganese phosphate/sulfate mixture in Sprague-Dawley rats following subchronic (90 days) inhalation exposure. , 2003, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.

[51]  Jatin Nathwani,et al.  A conceptual approach to the estimation of societal willingness-to-pay for nuclear safety programs , 2003 .

[52]  C. J. Chung,et al.  Respiratory damage in children exposed to urban pollution , 2003, Pediatric pulmonology.

[53]  David M Stieb,et al.  Ambient nitrogen dioxide and distance from a major highway. , 2003, The Science of the total environment.

[54]  Daniel Krewski,et al.  Exploring bias in a generalized additive model for spatial air pollution data. , 2003, Environmental health perspectives.

[55]  J Schwartz,et al.  Respiratory effects of sulphur dioxide: a hierarchical multicity analysis in the APHEA 2 study , 2003, Occupational and environmental medicine.

[56]  An-Soon Jang,et al.  Epidemiologic evidence of a relationship between airway hyperresponsiveness and exposure to polluted air , 2003, Allergy.

[57]  F. Dominici,et al.  Airborne particulate matter and mortality: timescale effects in four US cities. , 2003, American journal of epidemiology.

[58]  Tareq Hussein,et al.  Diurnal and annual characteristics of particle mass and number concentrations in urban, rural and Arctic environments in Finland , 2003 .

[59]  Daniel Krewski,et al.  Rejoinder: Reanalysis of the Harvard Six Cities Study and American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality , 2003 .

[60]  R. Burnett,et al.  Health and Air Quality: Directions for Policy-Relevant Research , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[61]  H. Suh,et al.  Monitoring Exposure to Ambient Air Pollutants , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[62]  R. Burnett,et al.  Spatial Regression Models for Large-Cohort Studies Linking Community Air Pollution and Health , 2003, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.

[63]  R. Maynard Scientific Information Needs for Regulatory Decision Making , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[64]  R. Burnett,et al.  Spatial Analysis of the Air Pollution--Mortality Relationship in the Context of Ecologic Confounders , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[65]  P. Catalano,et al.  Assessing the Importance of Different Exposure Metrics and Time-Activity Data to Predict 24-H Personal PM 2.5 Exposures , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[66]  R. Burnett,et al.  The Association between Sulfate Air Pollution and Mortality at the County Scale: An Exploration of the Impact of Scale on a Long-Term Exposure Study , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[67]  A. Cohen,et al.  Retrospective Data Quality Audits of the Harvard Six Cities and American Cancer Society Studies , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[68]  D. Greenbaum A Historical Perspective on the Regulation of Particles , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[69]  R. Burnett,et al.  Spatial Analysis for Environmental Health Research: Concepts, Methods, and Examples , 2003, Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.

[70]  C. Hermans,et al.  Lung hyperpermeability and asthma prevalence in schoolchildren: unexpected associations with the attendance at indoor chlorinated swimming pools , 2003, Occupational and environmental medicine.

[71]  H. R. Anderson,et al.  Particulate air pollution and hospital admissions for cardiorespiratory diseases: are the elderly at greater risk? , 2003, European Respiratory Journal.

[72]  W. Cascio,et al.  Elderly humans exposed to concentrated air pollution particles have decreased heart rate variability , 2003, European Respiratory Journal.

[73]  R. Sram,et al.  Biological activities of organic compounds adsorbed onto ambient air particles: comparison between the cities of Teplice and Prague during the summer and winter seasons 2000-2001. , 2003, Mutation research.

[74]  Daniel Krewski,et al.  Random effects Cox models: A Poisson modelling approach , 2003 .

[75]  Bert Brunekreef,et al.  Estimating Long-Term Average Particulate Air Pollution Concentrations: Application of Traffic Indicators and Geographic Information Systems , 2003, Epidemiology.

[76]  David M Stieb,et al.  Meta-Analysis of Time-Series Studies of Air Pollution and Mortality: Update in Relation to the Use of Generalized Additive Models , 2003, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[77]  M. Pandey,et al.  Canada Wide Standard for Particulate Matter and Ozone: Cost‐Benefit Analysis Using a Life Quality Index , 2003, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

[78]  R. Burnett,et al.  The Effect of Concurvity in Generalized Additive Models Linking Mortality to Ambient Particulate Matter , 2003, Epidemiology.

[79]  Ari Rabl,et al.  Interpretation of Air Pollution Mortality: Number of Deaths or Years of Life Lost? , 2003, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[80]  R. Burnett,et al.  Association Between Ozone and Respiratory Admissions Among Children and the Elderly in Vancouver, Canada , 2003, Inhalation toxicology.

[81]  R. Burnett,et al.  Effect of short-term exposure to gaseous pollution on asthma hospitalisation in children: a bi-directional case-crossover analysis , 2003, Journal of epidemiology and community health.

[82]  A. Cohen,et al.  On the relationship between time-series studies, dynamic population studies, and estimating loss of life due to short-term exposure to environmental risks. , 2002, Environmental health perspectives.

[83]  In Stitute Assessing Health Impact of Air Quality Regulations: Concepts and Methods for Accountability Research , 2003 .

[84]  Stefan Ma,et al.  Cardiorespiratory and all-cause mortality after restrictions on sulphur content of fuel in Hong Kong: an intervention study , 2002, The Lancet.

[85]  R. Burnett,et al.  Fine particulate air pollution and all-cause mortality within the Harvard Six-Cities Study: variations in risk by period of exposure. , 2002, Annals of epidemiology.

[86]  D. Dockery,et al.  Effect of air-pollution control on death rates in Dublin, Ireland: an intervention study , 2002, The Lancet.

[87]  B. Brunekreef,et al.  Air pollution and health , 2002, The Lancet.

[88]  Bert Brunekreef,et al.  Association between mortality and indicators of traffic-related air pollution in the Netherlands: a cohort study , 2002, The Lancet.

[89]  Paul J Lioy,et al.  Identification of Sources Contributing to Mid-Atlantic Regional Aerosol , 2002, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[90]  J Schwartz,et al.  Short-term effects of particulate air pollution on cardiovascular diseases in eight European cities , 2002, Journal of epidemiology and community health.

[91]  E. De Pauw,et al.  Fast automated extraction and clean-up of biological fluids for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls analysis. , 2002, Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences.

[92]  L. Chen,et al.  Origins of fine aerosol mass in the Baltimore–Washington corridor: implications from observation, factor analysis, and ensemble air parcel back trajectories , 2002 .

[93]  J. Schwartz,et al.  Increased asthma medication use in association with ambient fine and ultrafine particles , 2002, European Respiratory Journal.

[94]  Yifang Zhu,et al.  Concentration and Size Distribution of Ultrafine Particles Near a Major Highway , 2002, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[95]  F. Dominici,et al.  On the use of generalized additive models in time-series studies of air pollution and health. , 2002, American journal of epidemiology.

[96]  Günter Oberdörster,et al.  Ultrafine particles in the urban air: to the respiratory tract--and beyond? , 2002, Environmental health perspectives.

[97]  H. R. Anderson,et al.  Publication bias in studies of ambient particulate pollution and daily mortality , 2002 .

[98]  Paulo Hilário do Nascimento Saldiva,et al.  Air Pollution and Emergency Room Visits Due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases in the Elderly: An Ecological Time-Series Study in São Paulo, Brazil , 2002, Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.

[99]  R. Burnett,et al.  Air pollution and disability days in Toronto: results from the national population health survey. , 2002, Environmental research.

[100]  Edward B Rappaport,et al.  Association between air pollution and lung function growth in southern California children: results from a second cohort. , 2002, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[101]  Gilmore J. Sem,et al.  Design and performance characteristics of three continuous-flow condensation particle counters: a summary , 2002 .

[102]  Daniel Krewski,et al.  The influence of ambient coarse particulate matter on asthma hospitalization in children: case-crossover and time-series analyses. , 2002, Environmental health perspectives.

[103]  Reinhard Mechler,et al.  A Methodology to Estimate Changes in Statistical Life Expectancy Due to the Control of Particulate Matter in Air Pollution , 2002 .

[104]  Frances Silverman,et al.  Inhalation of Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Ozone Causes Acute Arterial Vasoconstriction in Healthy Adults , 2002, Circulation.

[105]  T Bellander,et al.  Traffic-related air pollution and respiratory health during the first 2 yrs of life , 2002, European Respiratory Journal.

[106]  David M Stieb,et al.  Meta-Analysis of Time-Series Studies of Air Pollution and Mortality: Effects of Gases and Particles and the Influence of Cause of Death, Age, and Season , 2002, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[107]  R. Burnett,et al.  Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. , 2002, JAMA.

[108]  Patricia Gober,et al.  Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Winter Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in an Urban Environment , 2002 .

[109]  J. Hayes,et al.  Glutathione S‐transferases , 2002 .

[110]  K. Berhane,et al.  Asthma in exercising children exposed to ozone: a cohort study , 2002, The Lancet.

[111]  J. Mattes,et al.  Circadian Variation of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Urinary Eosinophil Protein X in Asthmatic and Healthy Children , 2002, Pediatric Research.

[112]  Ronald C. Henry,et al.  Multivariate receptor models—current practice and future trends , 2002 .

[113]  P. Barnes,et al.  Biomarkers of some pulmonary diseases in exhaled breath , 2002, Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals.


[115]  R. Ewing,et al.  MEASURING SPRAWL AND ITS IMPACT , 2002 .

[116]  P. Mcmurry,et al.  Size distributions of 3-100-nm urban Atlanta aerosols: measurement and observations. , 2002, Journal of aerosol medicine : the official journal of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine.

[117]  D. Krewski,et al.  Adjusting for measurement error in the Cox proportional hazards regression model. , 2002, Journal of cancer epidemiology and prevention.

[118]  M. Schuhmacher,et al.  Biological monitoring of metals and organic substances in hazardous-waste incineration workers , 2002, International archives of occupational and environmental health.

[119]  David R Anderson,et al.  Sources of dioxins in the United Kingdom: the steel industry and other sources. , 2002, Chemosphere.

[120]  Jing-Shiang Hwang,et al.  Effects of air pollution on daily clinic visits for lower respiratory tract illness. , 2002, American journal of epidemiology.

[121]  B. Wehner,et al.  Aerosol number concentrations and size distributions at mountain-rural, urban-influenced rural, and urban-background sites in Germany. , 2002, Journal of aerosol medicine : the official journal of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine.

[122]  J Baeyens,et al.  The formation and emission of dioxins in large scale thermal processes. , 2002, Chemosphere.

[123]  C. Saegerman,et al.  The Belgian PCB/dioxin incident: analysis of the food chain contamination and health risk evaluation. , 2002, Environmental research.

[124]  D Krewski,et al.  Particulate air pollution standards and morbidity and mortality: case study. , 2001, American journal of epidemiology.

[125]  J. Schwartz,et al.  Acute effects of particulate air pollution on respiratory admissions: results from APHEA 2 project. Air Pollution and Health: a European Approach. , 2001, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

[126]  P. Hopke,et al.  Atmospheric aerosol over Vermont: chemical composition and sources. , 2001, Environmental science & technology.

[127]  P. Hopke,et al.  Comparative application of multiple receptor methods to identify aerosol sources in northern Vermont. , 2001, Environmental science & technology.

[128]  J. Cranmer Children’s Health and the Environment , 2001 .

[129]  A Rabl,et al.  Air Pollution and Mortality: Quantification and Valuation of Years of Life Lost , 2001, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

[130]  P J Catalano,et al.  Gaseous pollutants in particulate matter epidemiology: confounders or surrogates? , 2001, Environmental health perspectives.

[131]  J Schwartz,et al.  Confounding and Effect Modification in the Short-Term Effects of Ambient Particles on Total Mortality: Results from 29 European Cities within the APHEA2 Project , 2001, Epidemiology.

[132]  M. Nieuwenhuijsen Personal exposure monitoring in environmental epidemiology , 2001 .

[133]  E. De Pauw,et al.  Fast clean-up for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls analysis of high-fat-content biological samples. , 2001, Journal of chromatography. A.

[134]  M. Frampton,et al.  Systemic and cardiovascular effects of airway injury and inflammation: ultrafine particle exposure in humans. , 2001, Environmental health perspectives.

[135]  D. Dockery,et al.  Epidemiologic evidence of cardiovascular effects of particulate air pollution. , 2001, Environmental health perspectives.

[136]  Kazuhiko Ito,et al.  Epidemiological studies of acute ozone exposures and mortality , 2001, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

[137]  L. Guo,et al.  Induction of apoptosis by superoxide anion and the protective effects of selenium and Vitamin E. , 2001, Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES.

[138]  Thierry Crignou Comité européen de normalisation (CEN) , 2001 .

[139]  R. Burnett,et al.  A GIS–Environmental Justice Analysis of Particulate Air Pollution in Hamilton, Canada , 2001 .

[140]  F Forastiere,et al.  Air pollution and hospital admissions for respiratory conditions in Rome, Italy. , 2001, The European respiratory journal.

[141]  N Künzli,et al.  Assessment of deaths attributable to air pollution: should we use risk estimates based on time series or on cohort studies? , 2001, American journal of epidemiology.

[142]  C. Patterson,et al.  Acute Asthma Exacerbations and Air Pollutants in Children Living in Belfast, Northern Ireland , 2001, Archives of environmental health.

[143]  J C Bailar,et al.  The association between daily mortality and ambient air particle pollution in Montreal, Quebec. 1. Nonaccidental mortality. , 2001, Environmental research.

[144]  D. Moher,et al.  The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomised trials , 2001, The Lancet.

[145]  R. Burnett,et al.  Association between ozone and hospitalization for acute respiratory diseases in children less than 2 years of age. , 2001, American journal of epidemiology.

[146]  P Segers,et al.  Dioxins from thermal and metallurgical processes: recent studies for the iron and steel industry. , 2001, Chemosphere.

[147]  J Schwartz,et al.  Is There Harvesting in the Association of Airborne Particles with Daily Deaths and Hospital Admissions? , 2001, Epidemiology.

[148]  M. Brabec,et al.  Risk of cancer in an occupationally exposed cohort with increased level of chromosomal aberrations. , 2000, Environmental health perspectives.

[149]  G. Oberdörster,et al.  Pulmonary effects of inhaled ultrafine particles , 2000, International archives of occupational and environmental health.

[150]  Finn Palmgren,et al.  Experimental studies of ultrafine particles in streets and the relationship to traffic , 2001 .

[151]  R. Sram,et al.  The impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fine particles on pregnancy outcome. , 2000, Environmental health perspectives.

[152]  L Sheppard,et al.  Effects of ambient air pollution on symptoms of asthma in Seattle-area children enrolled in the CAMP study. , 2000, Environmental health perspectives.

[153]  R. Burnett,et al.  Identifying subgroups of the general population that may be susceptible to short-term increases in particulate air pollution: a time-series study in Montreal, Quebec. , 2000, Research report.

[154]  P. Barnes,et al.  Clinical aspects of exhaled nitric oxide. , 2000, The European respiratory journal.

[155]  Nelson Gouveia,et al.  Time series analysis of air pollution and mortality: effects by cause, age and socioeconomic status , 2000, Journal of epidemiology and community health.

[156]  Peter D Siersema Commentary. , 2020, Endoscopy.

[157]  N Künzli,et al.  Public-health impact of outdoor and traffic-related air pollution: a European assessment , 2000, The Lancet.

[158]  W. Mcdonnell,et al.  Relationships of mortality with the fine and coarse fractions of long-term ambient PM10 concentrations in nonsmokers , 2000, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

[159]  M P Wand,et al.  Generalized additive distributed lag models: quantifying mortality displacement. , 2000, Biostatistics.

[160]  S L Zeger,et al.  Estimating particulate matter-mortality dose-response curves and threshold levels: an analysis of daily time-series for the 20 largest US cities. , 2000, American journal of epidemiology.

[161]  A. Getis,et al.  The United States and Canada: The Land and the People , 2000 .

[162]  M D Waters,et al.  IPCS guidelines for the monitoring of genotoxic effects of carcinogens in humans. International Programme on Chemical Safety. , 2000, Mutation research.

[163]  A. Cohen,et al.  Outdoor air pollution and lung cancer. , 2000, Environmental health perspectives.

[164]  R M Mason,et al.  Is Daily Mortality Associated Specifically with Fine Particles? Data Reconstruction and Replication of Analyses , 2000, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[165]  J. Pauluhn Acute inhalation toxicity of polymeric diphenyl-methane 4,4′-diisocyanate in rats: time course of changes in bronchoalveolar lavage , 2000, Archives of Toxicology.

[166]  F. Dominici,et al.  A measurement error model for time-series studies of air pollution and mortality. , 2000, Biostatistics.

[167]  S L Zeger,et al.  The National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study. Part I: Methods and methodologic issues. , 2000, Research report.

[168]  J. Schwartz,et al.  The National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study. Part II: Morbidity and mortality from air pollution in the United States. , 2000, Research report.

[169]  C. Hermans,et al.  Serum clara cell protein: a sensitive biomarker of increased lung epithelium permeability caused by ambient ozone. , 2000, Environmental health perspectives.

[170]  T. Vartiainen,et al.  High fish-specific dioxin concentrations in Finland , 2000, The Lancet.

[171]  P. Elliott,et al.  A regression-based method for mapping traffic-related air pollution: application and testing in four contrasting urban environments. , 2000, The Science of the total environment.


[173]  U. Ewers,et al.  Decrease of PCDD/F levels in human blood from Germany over the past ten years (1989-1998). , 2000, Chemosphere.

[174]  K. Berhane,et al.  Air pollution and daily hospital admissions in metropolitan Los Angeles. , 2000, Environmental health perspectives.

[175]  André J. Butler,et al.  Air quality and pediatric emergency room visits for asthma in Atlanta, Georgia , 2000 .

[176]  H. Norppa,et al.  Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes predict human cancer independently of exposure to carcinogens. European Study Group on Cytogenetic Biomarkers and Health. , 2000, Cancer research.

[177]  J. Schwartz,et al.  Harvesting and long term exposure effects in the relation between air pollution and mortality. , 2000, American journal of epidemiology.

[178]  C. Pope Review: Epidemiological Basis for Particulate Air Pollution Health Standards , 2000 .


[180]  J. Miller,et al.  THE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY–EPRI VETERANS' COHORT MORTALITY STUDY: Preliminary Results , 2000, Inhalation toxicology.

[181]  A. Tobías,et al.  Air pollution and mortality in a cohort of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a time series analysis , 2000, Journal of epidemiology and community health.

[182]  R. Burnett,et al.  A time-series analysis of acidic particulate matter and daily mortality and morbidity in the Buffalo, New York, region. , 1999, Environmental health perspectives.

[183]  J D Spengler,et al.  Estimating the mortality impacts of particulate matter: what can be learned from between-study variability? , 1999, Environmental health perspectives.

[184]  J. Wakefield,et al.  Spatial epidemiology: methods and applications. , 2000 .

[185]  Erik Lebret,et al.  Small area variations in ambient NO2 concentrations in four European areas , 2000 .

[186]  A Rabl Criteria for limits on the emission of dust from cement kilns that burn waste as fuel , 2000 .

[187]  J. Fenger,et al.  Urban air quality , 1999 .

[188]  K. Torén,et al.  Exhaled nitric oxide among pulpmill workers reporting gassing incidents involving ozone and chlorine dioxide. , 1999, The European respiratory journal.


[190]  E. Buringh,et al.  A method to estimate the distribution of various fractions of PM10 in ambient air in the Netherlands , 1999 .

[191]  P. Ribera,et al.  Modeling of air pollution and its relationship with mortality and morbidity in Madrid, Spain , 1999, International archives of occupational and environmental health.

[192]  J. Brook,et al.  Observations and Interpretations from the Canadian Fine Particle Monitoring Program. , 1999, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

[193]  M Bobak,et al.  Pregnancy outcomes and outdoor air pollution: an ecological study in districts of the Czech Republic 1986-8. , 1999, Occupational and environmental medicine.

[194]  D. Dockery,et al.  A case-crossover analysis of air pollution and mortality in Philadelphia. , 1999, Environmental health perspectives.

[195]  R. Sram,et al.  Adverse reproductive outcomes from exposure to environmental mutagens. , 1999, Mutation research.

[196]  L. Fabbri,et al.  Bronchopulmonary inflammation and airway smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness induced by nitrogen dioxide in guinea pigs. , 1999, European journal of pharmacology.

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