Methodology ofIntegrated History Knowledge Management forConcurrent Engineering inLifecycle ofProduct Development Process

Theimpotance ofhistory knowledge management (HKM)isintroduce withthesupport ofproduct development processmanagement(PDPM)for concurrent engineering. A reviewfor product development andknowledge management including product development process, process history, design intent anddomain knowledge ispresented. Modeling the product development process isthefirst stepoftheHKM intheproduct development process. Theintegrated framework ofHKM issetupandthehierarchical model ofhistory knowledge isbuilt based onprocess. Methods fortheacquisition andmanagement ofhistory knowledge arepresented including process history, design intent and domainknowledge. A methodofintegrated knowledge representation, generalized rule, isdescribed forhistory knowledge. Thefunctional modules ofknowledge-based PDPM system isdescribed andHKM isitsimportant part. Thearchitecture ofHKM system basedonPDPM is clarified. Theprototyping software forHKM isdeveloped andusedsuccessfully during thelifecycle ofanewtypeof railway rolling stock development inseveral companies.