Laser fusion is one of the most feasible approach in the fusion energy development. The goal of inertial fusion energy (IFE) development is to prove that fusion energy can be available to society as electric power source. Recent progress of laser fusion research and development enable us to examine technical and economical feasibility, and to plan the realistic strategy and program to the commercial power plant. The most important key issue for IFE is driver technologies. The development of the laser fusion driver may establish new industrial technologies based on the photon processes and is attracting attentions in wide industrial fields.Laser fusion is one of the most feasible approach in the fusion energy development. The goal of inertial fusion energy (IFE) development is to prove that fusion energy can be available to society as electric power source. Recent progress of laser fusion research and development enable us to examine technical and economical feasibility, and to plan the realistic strategy and program to the commercial power plant. The most important key issue for IFE is driver technologies. The development of the laser fusion driver may establish new industrial technologies based on the photon processes and is attracting attentions in wide industrial fields.