Characterization of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating in presence of the ITER-like wall in JET

Carbon is not compatible with the long term use required for plasma facing components in future fusion reactors of the tokamak type e.g. from the point of view of erosion and tritium retention.Wand Be were chosen as plasma facing materials for ITER. JET was equipped with beryllium (as opposed to C or C-coated) walls in the shutdown of 2010-2011. To sustain the very high heat loads inevitably falling on it and thus excluding the use of metals with a low melting point such as Be and in spite of the fact that its radiation is significant because of its large Z, a Tungsten (W) orW-coated divertor was simultaneously installed. The recent JET campaign has focused on characterizing high density high temperature operation with this "ITER-like" wall (ILW). One of the questions that needed to be answered is whether the auxiliary heating methods do not lead to unacceptable high levels of impurity influx preventing fusion-relevant operation. This paper briefly reports on two aspects of the present understanding of ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) or radio frequency (RF) heating in presence of the ILW: ICRH-specific impurity influx and heating performance. They are complementing related discussions on heat loads, and on plasmaWcontent and possible sources. A much more extensive study will be published elsewhere.