Improving interferometers by quantum light: toward testing quantum gravity on an optical bench

We analyze in detail a system of two interferometers aimed at the detection of extremely faint phase fluctuations. The idea behind is that a correlated phase-signal like the one predicted by some phenomenological theory of Quantum Gravity (QG) could emerge by correlating the output ports of the interferometers, even when in the single interferometer it confounds with the background. We demonstrated that injecting quantum light in the free ports of the interferometers can reduce the photon noise of the system beyond the shot-noise, enhancing the resolution in the phase-correlation estimation. Our results confirm the benefit of using squeezed beams together with strong coherent beams in interferometry, even in this correlated case. On the other hand, our results concerning the possible use of photon number entanglement in twin beam state pave the way to interesting and probably unexplored areas of application of bipartite entanglement and, in particular, the possibility of reaching surprising uncertainty reduction exploiting new interferometric configurations, as in the case of the system described here.